Sunday, June 10, 2012


There were two statements in class which really spoke to me and the truth and depth of the statement
has made an impression on me. The first was that "leaders bring people to a place where they were
not ready to go." The strength of a good leader is that he creates an environment where people trust
and are ready to take risks and experiment with new ideas and methodologies. It is the support and
encouragement of the leader which fosters learning and growth. The second statement was that if you
don't reflect you are the same person as you were before. The only way one can learn and become a
better person, a better leader or professional is by reflecting on his own practices and analyzing what
worked or what did not work. The first step to learning is by being open to learn and aware that there
is so much to learn. One who just teaches without analyzing themselves and their impact on others
obviously does not have an open mind to learn. The ability to self reflect is probably one of the hardest
practices however I feel it is the most important component of good teaching and leadership. One who
does not reflect is the same person as he was before this experience. One who reflects is constantly
modifying his actions, and his character in both his professional and personal life.