Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Reflection from 6/11
There are many areas where I can reflect on from last night's class. While there were many interesting topics discussed, the one area that was particularly important to me was your statement that making negative comments about students is unacceptable. Unfortunately, school administrators and personnel frequently make extremely derogatory and more disturbingly, judgmental comments about children and their parents. As a school leader, I will set the tone from the very beginning, where all students and parents will be treated with respect and dignity, while at the same time not ignoring the difficulties and challenges presented to me and my school staff.
I liked the parking lot idea when conducting meetings. However, you stated that many of the issues placed in the "parking lot" will probably never be discussed. I believe that if most or many of these issues are not considered, eventually we may lose the trust of our teachers and other school staff. Perhaps it would be beneficial to address all of the points in some capacity, whether at the very same meeting or by personally discussing it with the person who brings it up at a later time. I believe that validation of people's comments and ideas by merely placing them in the parking lot may not be sufficient to satisfy (mostly or somewhat) intelligent adults.