I enjoyed doing the activity with the pictures. It was really interesting to see the way each person was able to find a connection between themselves and the pictures. It gave us a small glimpse into each persons background and helped us connect. The activity where Rachel had to get us to stand up was a real eye opener. As an administrator, you have to be able to get people to listen to you. Many times administrators try all different methods they think will work to get teachers to listen. What they don't realize is that they are overlooking the obvious. If they would just take a minute to communicate with their teachers by asking their opinion and really listening, they would have a lot more people on their side. The end of class was truly fascinating. It was amazing to see what can be done with excel and how life can be made so much simpler when technology is integrated. The program for observations is really cool. It's a genius idea that is a great time saver. I'm sure principals will love it!