Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I enjoyed learning about the importance of communication. Communication is a vital component of any successful school. For some reason I find it to be a difficult one. An administrator can be great with education and students but if they're lacking in communication they will not get very far. After hearing all the stories, I'm beginning to realize how difficult it is to work in public school. You have to be so careful that every tiny thing is legal and that you're not infringing on student rights or you're in big trouble!! I also feel that the report card mark schools get aren't fair. They don't tell the whole story. It doesn't make sense to be graded according to your student roster. The mark should be based on the students who actually show up to class. I'm looking forward to learning more about communication. I would love to have more hands on "technological activities". I wanted to learn how to start a blog and use all the communication programs and apps you were talking about. Thank you!!

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