Wednesday, June 27, 2012


The activity with MLK's speech was thought provoking. For starters, I never actually  listened to his entire speech this was the first time. It was interesting to pull out the elements that made his speech so successful. For an administrator, public speaking is a big part of the job (much to my dismay!). When writing a speech, administrators should be careful to include these elements to ensure they reach their audience and be successful. I liked the use of sticky notes during the activity. It's a great method to use in the classroom as it allows the teacher to interact with the students as the information is being shared instead of having to write with her back to the class. It was interesting to hear that parents in a special ed school would not allow volunteers due to confidentiality. I never thought that bringing volunteers into a school can become an issue. It was a real eye opener for me. Little things that may seem so simple can become a real issue to parents. As an administrator you really have to consider all angles before implementing a seemingly innocent program.