Thank you for joining our leadership reflections website. We will use this area to post our learning and summaries of our understandings from our classes together. NYC NYCDOE Principal Building Leader Professor
Thursday, June 28, 2012
reflection 6
course. Last night we discussed several techniques to use in order to
improve the skills of teachers. The acronym COWBIRDS flitted through
my mind today while orienting a new teacher to our school, who has
been in the field for many years. Though she has a vast skill set she
isn't comfortable with the newer teaching methodology and
automatically reverted to her comfort zone. While talking to her there
were moments where she seemed almost stubborn in her ways, yet she
continued to ask for insight and more sessions. Then it dawned on me
that if I wanted her to succeed I would need to provide her with
opportunities to observe other teachers and that I would need to
observe her and provide constructive criticism. I will also connect
her with a buddy who she can discuss her concerns with and is more
familiar with the grade level.
I also learned a lot from looking at a school's report card. It was very interesting to learn about AYP (ADEQUATE yearly progress!). I enjoyed learning the "ins" and "outs" of the system.
I thought it was wonderful that we learned through hands on experiences instead of through a lecture. I enjoyed thinking critically about these topics and formulating questions that directed and guided the lesson.
Thanks for another wonderful lesson.
refection on Wed.6/27
Don't fight the culture really resonated with me. Tolerance and understanding is a two-way street in developing a relationship.If you can move past their dress you can enrich their academic growth .
reflections fron session 6/27/12
Reflection- class on June 27, 2012
reflection #6
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
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wed night class
Reflection 6/25/12
On Monday it was interesting to understand a meeting leaders perspective on how to run a meeting. Our attention was drawn to the tone of the meetings participants. I learned that by listening to the participants tone, you can become aware that it is time to redirect the group's attention.
Also, hearing your perspective on copy machines and supplies was useful to apply in my school environment.tWhat I learned from the speech we heard and the group activity was interesting. What I am unsure of is how we are suppose to apply this information to our future leadership positions.
Fwd: Reflection #5
From: Shlomo Ehrman <>
Date: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:33 AM
Subject: Reflection #5
To: neil monheit <>
I thought you really demonstrated the effectiveness of certain strategies when speaking to others in a public forum by playing Martin Luther's speech. It was a creative and interactive way to gain our attention and give us food for thought. As a principal, it would be extremely helpful to master the art of persuasive speaking as much as possible. Making policy or curriculum changes are usually difficult for teachers to buy into - change is tough, and most people are resistant to it, even if the changes make sense and benefit the students. The way in which such changes are presented can make a big difference in how amenable staff will be towards the changes.
Reflection #5
Listening to MLK's speech was a real learning experience in communication. It was amazing to see how effective communication techniques really have an impact on the listening audience. As a school leader, you are often called upon to address parents, teachers, students, community members or school boards. Knowledge of good communication skills is therefore crucial if you want your message to resonate with those whom you are addressing. The "sticky notes" made its appearance once again, and proved its usefulness. Thank you Prof. Monheit for sharing effective management techniques such as having a student move sticky notes and paying attention to the noise level in the classroom when working in small groups. Thank you Sarah and Yocheved for the informative presentation. You addressed some very important factors in communication.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
While reflecting upon last class, three points came to mind. First, I really enjoyed the MLK audio exercise. By listening to his speech I clearly saw how he used language in a very persuasive manner. Taking notes about how he used his language showed me what elements an influential speaker uses in his or her speech to reach the crowd. I hope to use some of those characteristics when speaking publically as a school building leader. Also, I found your tip of how to identify a successful meeting to be extremely accurate. When observing our class working in groups, it was evident when they were finished working, or if they wanted to continue.
response to a post
sensitive to the needs of parents with children with special needs.
Thank you for mentioning some very good points. Maybe it would be a
good idea to change many educators mindset towards special needs
children before we focus on the parents or the community at large. At
the very least teachers shouldn't associate special needs with a stigma
but I have encountered to many teachers and therapists who surprisingly
have a very negative and pessimistic view of special ed and special
needs children. Perhaps professional developement and community events
that showcase the achievements of special needs children will make
people aware of the possibilites if a child is given the right
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reflection on Mon. 6/25
As much as we encourage everyone's involvement it was good hearing the prof. say again that a leader shares decisions but not the entire process.A leader has to take the authority and lead. Not everyone should have a say about everything.
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Last night we discussed two points that I'd like to address.
The concept and importance of the elevator pitch was mentioned. I found the concept very interesting. There have been times at work that I was placed in a position where I could have done the elevator pitch, but hesitated because I was caught off guard. I now realize how crucial it is to have some sort of mental script in mind and utilize it when applicable.
During the Chapter 7 presentation, we discussed the importance of improving staff relations. One of the points highlighted, was to give employees information about what is going on in the school before they hear about it from the public. This cannot be stated enough!! I recall a situation that happened a few years ago highlighting this issue. I was chatting with my neighbor who was a teacher in my son's school. I casually questioned why school was ending 2 days later than originally planned. It came as a complete shock to the teacher, she had absolutely no idea. Talk about embarrassment on several fronts!
reflection 5
- Don't turn your back to your teachers at a meeting to write on the board, rather ask someone to write out responses or let everyone write their responses on sticky notes and have a volunteer put them up.
- When making a speech, to ensure that your message is conveyed use repetition, metaphors and be passionate about your topic.
- Create a volunteer program, before bringing volunteers into your building.
Tonight's class
I really enjoyed the activity where we had to think about communication and students/teachers/parents and the greater public. Although the information presented was basic it was interesting to hear my colleagues's thoughts and ideas. I enjoyed listening to Martin Luther king's speech and feel that when I was listening to his speech I was trying to create more profound thoughts on it but I was not really being successful. It was interesting to listen to his dream and vision which he portrayed using smilies and metaphors and was able to deliver a message in a simple way |
Monday, June 25, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
class 6.20 reflection
This class was extremely informative and gave me food for thought. I like what I heard about the budget. I also like what I heard about leadership management and delegation. The challenges that face a principal cause me to think, "Why do they want to be a principal." In addition, I enjoyed observing the self-confidence the principal exuded. I also found it interesting that "compliance" is most of the job with today's setup…
This past class was extremely informative in many ways. Firstly, in the past, we've had professors who are retired PS principals; I find it refreshing learning from people who are currently an AP or principal. The idea of a principal rating is frightening. Principals are responsible for way more than they can handle. However, I like the outlook that your principal has: He focuses on improving the school, rather than focusing on what can go wrong in the school. As a school leader, I will work on maintaining that same attitude. Last, the chart of 4x of teachers is very accurate. When I thought of teachers whom I have worked with in the past, they definitely fit in to one of those categories.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Reflections on monday's class
I really enjoyed the activity where Rachel had to get us to stand up. What I took away from it was possibly not really what I was supposed to. As a supervisor you will probably end up with staff on yr team that however reasonable an instruction that you give might seem, there will always be someone who refuses to be obliging. It was really impressive to see how resourceful Rachel was yet we were united in our non compliance. It also made me think about how to rephrase my requests to my students. The activity where we had to find common ground with a picture of our choice was also interesting. It got me thinking because I wonder how much we would have said about ourselves had there not been the ice breaker picture? Thank you |
Reflections For Wednesday 20th class
I really appreciated listening to our guest speaker. It was interesting to learn. How tenure works in the DOE. As someone who is looking to change jobs I am very excited for our next lesson where we will be learning how to utilize the information available on line to help us network. 5thank you |
Look another educational message
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reflection on Wed.6/20
Our class provides so many tips! The "buy the kid a pizza" really illustrated the need for clear communication.
The guest speaker was so chilled yet exuded a professional demeanor in executing his responsibilities.
What resonated with me was, even when correcting a teacher, more is gained by doing it privately, because even if you are totally right, the audience will say that their colleague was disrespected. I worked in a high school where the principal echoed the same sentiment about disciplining inappropriate students publicly.It was an eye-opener for me that faculty members at a meeting would jump to blame rather than accept the deserved response, and move on. The interpersonal relations is a key factor. It is more effective to deal with non-compliance privately and avoid public confrontation and conflict.
Finally, I loved the link for summarization and I plan on using the ideas with my students.
Two way communications Neil Monheit
Summarizing allows students to process the information they have heard in class and try to make sense of it. Tonight we mentioned Marzano. Marzano is known for Marzano's nine. The nine are a series of high-impact interventions that can be used in a classroom. Using meta-analysis, Marzano identified the interventions that offer the biggest bang for the buck!
One of the interventions is compare and contrast. By allowing students to relate information they are learning to information they already know, we teach the new concept while also deepening understanding of the older topic.
To create meaning during class, you can also use sticky notes. If you record a chunk of information on each note, you can document the flow of a lesson by attaching the notes in a pattern in your notebook. These small chunks of information may assist you in access and recall of the information shared during class, and guide reflective practice.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Reflection on class EDSA 535- School and Community Relations
On June 18, 2012 during the class we discussed meetings and implementing new programs and ideas. At first when an idea is presented people may fear change. A tactic that can be used is to call a meeting and allow the staff members involved to voice their concerns. This opportunity will often leave participants feeling that they were heard, but they still may not agree on its implementation. What I learned was it is often necessary to have a pre-meeting to get a select few to further understand the program's purpose and request support when implementing the program to their staff members. Often this tactic will help initiate the program and make more staff inclined to willingly participate. Another thing we learned was that sometimes a program needs to be initiated and then all the people who have concerns and questions are met with individually and if possible modifying the program to address valid concerns. This will often remove the majority of dissenters and when more people join/support the program, it makes it easier to convince other support staff that were reluctant to join to now join as well. In the future, when I roll-out a program I plan to use these ideas when running a meeting or working with a supervisor to assist and support the implementation of new ideas. |
reflection of Mon.6/18
The creative entertaining exercise of having someone convince us to stand up was a blatant example of taking others' feelings into account when you want something done. A good leader sets the tone and develops a relationship. Prof. Monheit noted that we wanted to help our colleague. Leaders bring people along with them because if they didn't have followers then they wouldn't be leaders!
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reflection 3
of empowering your people. Professor Monheit used his power as the
leader of our class to empower us, and lead us to think we were
directing the lesson. At the start of the class we were each given the
opportunity to express our passionate beliefs regarding educational
reform and leadership, which provided each of us with a voice. He then
channeled what we had said into a conversation, weaving the night's
topic into our discussion, so that his agenda would be covered as
well. Seeing the ramifications of limiting the people's voice provided
even greater strength to the message of the evening.
Thank you for providing us an interactive experience, where we can
learn vital lessons!
I greatly enjoyed tonight's lesson (although it did make me realize how much I don't know about using technology to foster communication between the school and community).
First, I really enjoyed learning about the observation computer program that the Professor uses in his school. Before learning about the program, the prospect of observing tens (or hundreds) of teachers seemed very daunting (and quite impossible). However, after the Professor gave us a "tour" of the program, I realized that observing teachers throughout the year can be a feasible task. The program also seemed like a wonderful organizational tool for administrators.
Second, I really enjoyed the activity where a classmate needed to get the entire class to stand up at the same time by asking the class: "What do I need to do to make you stand up?" I am currently a teacher at a school that demands a tremendous amount from the teachers without any regard to their needs or wants. In Chapter Five of School Community Relations, the authors discuss the importance of having the school board, superintendent, and administrators recognize teachers and address their needs in order to foster positive school-community relations. Teachers are at the frontline of education; without them, schools do not exist. Yet, they are often the first people to be overlooked in many school systems. This activity definitely helped me understand how a collaborative administer behaves toward his/her teachers and staff. I appreciate this class as I get to learn what an administer should do as opposed to only learning what not to do as an administrator-I have plenty of that type of learning taking place already!
reflection #3
reflection 3
- Excel is a valuable tool for an administrator to utilize in their school.
- How do you get people to do what you want them to do? EMPOWER THEM
- How do you know which professional development workshops would be of value to your teachers? Look at your teacher observations to see what the majority of the staff is having difficulty in.
Reflection- class on June 18, 2012
reflection from class 6/18
Monday, June 18, 2012
Although I was quite overwhelmed by your excel presentation, It was very informative and got me thinking about the importance of polishing up my computer skills. Your presentation highlighted the value of familiarizing ourselves with the latest technology as this only saves us time and effort. As an administrator it is crucial to spend as much time as we can with instructional leadership as opposed to spending the bulk of our time in the office.
I also really liked the quote your not a leader if nobody is following you.
June 18
I really enjoyed tonight's class. The discussions were thought provoking and relevant to the work place. I particularly liked the activity where one student tried to get the class stand up. It was a cute activity that brought across a strong point. I believe it is very important for people in leadership positions to encourage and allow their staff members to voice their opinions. Every person wants to feel valued and important. This will help the staff members develop a feeling of loyalty and it will enable them to be team players. I also appreciated the demonstration of how to use the program excel. It's such a valuable and useful tool to use in the professional field. Thank you! |
Reflection 2
The vision and mission that I wrote during this class is a written theory of all the important things students need to have when they end school. What I thought about was, "How many students actually graduate with those accomplishments?" In addition, what contributes to the overall success of the students? Is it all about the school? Or, is it a contribution of the school and about the family…?
Weekly Reflection- Monday June 11th class
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Reflection wk 2
Thank you for the highly engaging and informative class. I found the concept of a "parking lot" an interesting one. This method helps ensure topic maintenance at staff meetings while validating people's concerns/ issues they bring forth. This suggestion is one that I hope to use at future staff meetings.
Another important point discussed in class was the use of jargon/ professional language when speaking to parents. Professionals often use medical/ professional terminology when communicating with parents. This makes the parents feel inferior as they are unable to comprehend what is being said. As one who communicates often with parents, this is an important factor to keep in mind.
Looking forward to the next class.
I also really enjoyed putting a "vision" down on paper. When it comes down to it, it's important to actually see it for what it is and not just what you picture it to be in your mind.
Your postings
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Reflection #2
There was a lot of food for thought raised during class this past week. One topic which really got me thinking was the concept of creating a parking lot during a meeting. What I began thinking about was the importance of having one person guide the meeting to make it the most productive possible. I sit in meeting quite a bit and creating a parking lot for topics which can be discussed at a later date I felt was a tactful way of redirecting and staying focused , which can be very challenging sometimes. In addition providing an agenda also contribute to keeping the group leader focuses so he/ she can keep the meeting focused. I hope to implement these two strategies into my next meeting. I'll keep you posted on how it went.
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reflection 2
Reflection #2
There was a lot of food for thought raised during class this past week. One topic which really got me thinking was the concept of creating a parking lot during a meeting. What I began thinking about was the importance of having one person guide the meeting to make it the most productive possible. I sit in meeting quite a bit and creating a parking lot for topics which can be discussed at a later date I felt was a tactful way of redirecting and staying focused , which can be very challenging sometimes. In addition providing an agenda also contribute to keeping the group leader focuses so he/ she can keep the meeting focused. I hope to implement these two strategies into my next meeting. I'll keep you posted on how it went.
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There was a lot of food for thought raised during class this past week. One topic which really got me thinking was the concept of creating a parking lot during a meeting. What I began thinking about was the importance of having one person guide the meeting to make it the most productive possible. I sit in meeting quite a bit and creating a parking lot for topics which can be discussed at a later date I felt was a tactful way of redirecting and staying focused , which can be very challenging sometimes. In addition providing an agenda also contribute to keeping the group leader focuses so he/ she can keep the meeting focused. I hope to implement these two strategies into my next meeting. I'll keep you posted on how it went.
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reflection 2
There was a lot of food for thought raised during class this past week. One topic which really got me thinking was the concept of creating a parking lot during a meeting. What I began thinking about was the importance of having one person guide the meeting to make it the most productive possible. I sit in meeting quite a bit and creating a parking lot for topics which can be discussed at a later date I felt was a tactful way of redirecting and staying focused , which can be very challenging at times. In addition providing an agenda also contribute to keeping the group leader focuses so he/ she can keep the meeting focused. I hope to implement these two strategies into my next meeting. I'll keep you posted on how it went.
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group work was useful because hearing the group's thoughts on the
questions helped clarify my own. The collaborative teaching method is
something I frequently utilize in my own class. How you share your
vision was a useful thing to learn and I look forward to having that
aspect of communication expanded on in other classes.
I agree. It was not my intent that we not address the issue at all. Just either not at that meeting our possibly not in a public forum
Tonight's lesson was insightful and informative. I learned much about communication between schools and the community as well as between schools and teachers.
First, as a teacher in a large school, I found it fascinating to learn that the professor observes his teachers approximately seven times each year. I believe that those observations are a wonderful vehicle to open the lines of communication between the principals and teachers. It provides the administrator(s) with opportunities to observe the teaching skills/abilities and then communicate with the teachers their teaching strengths (which teachers seldom hear feedback about) and the areas in which they should improve. Such communication between the administration and teachers not only benefits the teachers, but the students as well.
In addition, this lesson changed my view about the importance of communicating with the public and surrounding communities. I used to be under the impression that as long as schools are providing proper education to their students, there is no need for promoting publics relations between the school, parents, and community. However, after hearing the various stories from the professor about the tremendous effects of the public's opinion and perception about the school, I realized how crucial it is to open the lines of communication and communicate successfully with the public.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Reflection on class EDSA 535- School and Community Relations 6/11/12
I learned about the connection between drop-out rates, politics, and incidence of incarceration. It was discussed that politicians have to be convinced that schools are doing a good job. The class wondered why schools have to present themselves as benefiting the public and why politicians may take an interest in schools in their voting districts. One reason is that if they learn that schools are doing a good job in their next budgeting meeting they might organize their budgets to allocate more money to support schools. Another reason is that it costs society and taxpayers more to keep a criminal in jail each year than to educate a student and support them in reaching high school graduation. The research states that the higher level of education one attains, the less likely a person will turn to criminal activities. So, if costs associated with incarceration is decreased conjunction with increases in graduation rate. The politicians now might have larger budgets and can decrease taxes or use the money for other projects, such as good schools which have decreased the politicians expenses, making the constituents happy and they now have a reason to help the politician get re-elected to the office that he is working in. This then helps the politician to get what he/she wants. From these areas I have learned why schools' need to present a good faces publicly. Another thing that I learned and would like to use with middle scholars, was that creativity and collaboration needs to occur to enforce rules and support the students. The discussion about the problems occurring with crossing schools and floors within the same building throughout the scheduled day and its effect on discipline and structure within your school/academy, demonstrated your collaboration and ingenuity in resolving this issue and preventing cutting and skipping of classes. |
week 2
the visionary. The visionary who is often the leader needs to feel
passion for their cause, in order to insure that the staff and
students are empowered with these beliefs. As was evident in the class
discussion educators who feel connected to their school and its
vision, describe the school using only the most positive words. This
communicates a positive message to the general populace. They then
view the school in a positive light and are more receptive to allocate
funds and send their children to the school. This domino effect will
remain a priority in my work as a leader since it is a core basis for
Today's class was very informative on several points. Firstly, we discussed the importance of communicating with the public and why it's so important. One of the reasons given was that when schools communicate they set expectations and goals. We then further delved into the importance of setting goals that are realistic. This got me thinking. As a teacher I've experienced many situations where the administration had great ideas and goals however they were completely unrealistic. As a leader, if you want to set goals that are achievable you need to be more hands on. Observe the classroom, asses the overall atmosphere of the school; familiarize yourself with the culture of the parent/student body.
I greatly enjoyed the collaborative assignment we worked on in class. Working collaboratively is a great way to share ideas and concepts. Overall, I gained new insight on why a public Relations is crucial to your school's success.
Hi, I enjoyed and used the technique of writing something down when a child wants something that you are not ready to do for them, and I actually used that technique in my teaching the next day and it worked. I plan on utilizing another technique that was mentioned last night, and offer to do part of my internship in a school that I would like to be hired next year. Will keep you posted on my success or otherwise THANK YOU |
Reflection #2
reflection 6/11
reflection 2-Mon.6/11
Sharing a vision or leading one's stakeholders to "own"a vision as theirs, takes planning and effort. Prof. Monheit offered three succinct guidelines:
Set a tone
Build capacity and
Effect change
Instead of "lecturing to", administrators need to empower their stakeholders to develop the school vision as their own.
Monday, June 11, 2012
I would like to reflect about a few points discussed during tonight's class. Firstly, a mission statement requires thought and time; we are talking about a school's vision. I experienced difficulty expressing my vision within a short period of time. Although, we did create a mission statement, I was hoping to gain more from the exercise. Additionally, I agree that communication is crucial when dealing with the public. Our discussion about the importance of communication provided me with some insight. Although the community may not be openly involved in the school, they are directly involved since they are funding the school through their tax paying money. Last, I like your method of a parking lot to stay on task. I will make it of importance to always have an agenda for a school meeting.
reflection 2
- Plan your agenda before your staff meeting so that you stay on topic and so that you can pace yourself and cover all your points at your meeting.
- Avoid using educational jargon and acronyms when talking with parents.
- I will be reading From Good to Great by Collins to use his ideas to motivate my teachers to become great teachers.
reflection of session 2
reflections on June 6th class
Two things I really enjoyed were:- a) the way things were resolved democratically. b) the quote about leadership "bringing people to a place where they weren't ready to go without you. There was something that was mentioned about internet learning that I would like to know more about. Thanks, |
reflection on wed class
Class Reflection
I appreciated hearing about your experience as an administrator. Administrators will always face adversity and it requires intense strength and commitment to work through it. Getting parent phone numbers is a safety issue and is a tremendous accomplishment. Creating a safe education environment is important. The application that I took from the class is the extent that a leader must work on safety. I learned about the amount of energy that should be put into precautionary acts for safety in a learning community.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
was an interesting and informative one. The point made that every meeting should be
considered "your meeting" resonated with me. I attend many meetings during the
course of my workweek and it's easy to lose focus at times. However, upon reflection, I
agree that advance preparation would ensure that one would be an active participant in
a meeting because of ones preparedness.
On a side note, I would like to add that the method Prof. Monheit used to
determine which classes to drop was fascinating. This method empowered the
students while maintaining class decorum. I hope to incorporate this technique in my
role as a school leader.
has made an impression on me. The first was that "leaders bring people to a place where they were
not ready to go." The strength of a good leader is that he creates an environment where people trust
and are ready to take risks and experiment with new ideas and methodologies. It is the support and
encouragement of the leader which fosters learning and growth. The second statement was that if you
don't reflect you are the same person as you were before. The only way one can learn and become a
better person, a better leader or professional is by reflecting on his own practices and analyzing what
worked or what did not work. The first step to learning is by being open to learn and aware that there
is so much to learn. One who just teaches without analyzing themselves and their impact on others
obviously does not have an open mind to learn. The ability to self reflect is probably one of the hardest
practices however I feel it is the most important component of good teaching and leadership. One who
does not reflect is the same person as he was before this experience. One who reflects is constantly
modifying his actions, and his character in both his professional and personal life.